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Vasil Simeonov
9 December 2014
And the hidden messages in their logos
  1. Amazon

  2. This is pretty obvious and still totally unknown for a lot of people (even at VerdeTax). The yellow arrow that starts from “A” and points to “Z” purely says “hey, we are selling absolutely everything in our store”. Some people are suggesting that it also indicates a smile. This can only mean customer satisfaction and high quality of services. Nice.

  3. Sony VAIO
  4. Sony VAIO logo

    The Sony VAIO logo is intentionally made of 2 hidden elements (or not so?). The first part - “VA” looks like analogue signal and the “IO“ corresponds to 1 and 0 - the digital signal.

  5. Gillette

  6. Gillette blue logo

    Gillette is a brand of men's safety razors. The hidden message in their logo is not hard to spot, just take a closer look on the first two letters (“G” and “I”) to see how precisely cut they are. Hard to find better examples of good marketing?

  7. Toblerone

  8. Toblerone logo

    As you may know Toblerone is the name of the popular Swiss chocolate bar from the city of Bern, also known as the city of City of Bears (because of Bern’s emblem, the Bear Pits). If you look carefully you can notice the hidden bear inside of the mountain.

  9. Pinterest

  10. Pinterest logo
    This is a little bit more visible than the previous ones but still catchy. The pin is clearly drawn into the “P” letter of Pinterest’s logo.

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