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Benita Beneva
8 August 2016
What people believe about a country can influence everything – to whether or not people want to visit or live there.

What people believe about a country can influence everything  – to whether or not people want to visit or live there.

To find out if the reputation matched up to the facts, we talked to residents and expats living in the top four reputable countries.

1.  Sweden
Newly ranked as the most reputable country in the world Sweden hits all the marks of being safe, welcoming and beautiful, according to its residents.
Most expats live in Stockholm where the business and government hubs are located.


2.  Canada
Despite dropping to second on the list, Canadians speak more positively than ever about their home country, especially as the government continues an "arms wide open" approach to Syrian refugees.
Canada also scores high for being one of the world’s safest countries.
- "There's a national concern to ensure that those who have suffered so much can rebuild the lives they deserve," said Jeremy Arnold


3. Switzerland
While natural beauty may be a matter of luck, factors like friendly residents and progressive policies come down to a country's wealth and culture.
- "It’s needless to say that Switzerland is a wealthy country. It has a long tradition of organized hospitality ever since the days of the grand tours of the English aristocracy and Thomas Cook’s"


4. Australia
The land down under is loved by residents for its feelings of safety, security and peacefulness, driven in some part by the country's stance on firearms.
- "Australia banned guns few decades back, which means that gun violence is minimal," said Ganesh Krishnan



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