- When will I get my refund?
Usually, it takes 22 to 26 weeks for the
Tax Authorities to issue your refund.
- When should I apply for my refund?
The documents can be filed after the end of the tax year.
- What the duration of the tax year?
In New Zealand the tax year starts on 1st of April and ends on 31st of March the following year.
- For which years I can claim a refund?
At the moment you can still claim refund for tax year 2004 (ending 31st of March 2004).
- What if I don't have all the documents necessary to apply?
We can get the missing documents for you. Please, contact us and we will walk you through the process.
IRD Number is a unique 8- or 9-digit tax number used to identify each taxpayer. It is issued once in a lifetime and has no expiration date. You can find the number on your payslips and on any correspondence received from the Tax Authorities.
- Can I apply without a tax file number?
It is possible, but the process might take longer.
- If I don't get a refund, do I owe you a fee?
You pay no up-front fee. We will deduct a fee once the refund is received. If a refund is not received there is no fee due.
- Do you guarantee my refund?
We are unable to guarantee the initially estimated refund amount, we apply for the maximum the law allows but the final decision belongs to the Tax Authorities.