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An electric-powered plane that can take off from your garden?!

An electric-powered plane that can take off from your garden ?!

Imagine an aircraft that can be powered from a wall socket, take off from the garden, and with electric engines so quiet the noise won't bother the neighbors.
That's the vision behind Lilum, an ultralight electric plane concept that its German design team hope to have on sale by 2018.

Fair-weather flying?

The plane -- as well as being only at the concept stage -- is not without its downsides.
It's designed to only be flown in good weather conditions in uncongested airspace in the daylight.
So forget about landing with at the front of the nightclub queue.

What's the price tag?

There's no price tag yet, but ESA says it'll be cheaper to buy and run than similar sized aircraft currently on the market.
So far it says it's proved the concept with 25 kilogram scaled-down prototypes.


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