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Are you planning to work in Canada? If the answer is yes, then this new study might turn out to be helpful for you.

Are you planning to work in Canada? If the answer is yes, then this new study from Adzuna.ca (online jobs search engine) might be just the one you were looking for in terms of increasing your chances of getting hired.

The following is the list of the 10 most popular (with the Canadian employers) buzzwords with the number of available jobs, average yearly salary and percent of total jobs. As it comes out, the top three winning competences are effectiveness, communication skills and degree. But here is the whole list:
 Buzzwords Number of jobs Average Salary (per annum) % of total jobs
Effective 22,542 CA$ 59,044.00 25.62
Communication skills 22,464 CA$ 56,068.00 25.53
Degree 21,752 CA$ 69,783.00 24.72
Flexible 14,103 CA$ 48,308.00 16.03
Results 13,543 CA$ 62,023.00 15.39
Motivated 13,063 CA$ 56,061.00 14.84
Problem solving 12,225 CA$ 51,802.00 13.89
Innovative 11,603 CA$ 62,672.00 13.19
Challenging 11,246 CA$ 66,113.00 12.78
Qualified 10,576 CA$ 67,415.00 12.02

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