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Ivalina Koleva
10 July 2015
VAT is charged throughout all countries in the European Union. However each country determines its own VAT rates. These rates are separated in three: Standard VAT rate – which is being applied to most or all supplies, Reduced VAT rate – smaller rate applied to a limited package of supplies and in some countries there is a zero or super-reduced VAT rates on some different type of sales.

In this article VerdeTax is presenting a list of the standard VAT rates in all 28 Member States of the EU updated as of July 2015.
COUNTRY        Standard VAT rate
Austria 20 %
Belgium 21 %
Bulgaria                20 %
Croatia 25 %
Cyprus                  19 %
Czech Republic 21 %
Denmark 25 %
Estonia 20 %
Finland 24 %
France 20 %
Germany 19 %
Greece 23 %
Hungary 27 %
Ireland 23 %
Italy 22 %
Latvia 21 %
Lithuania 21 %
Luxembourg 17 %
Malta 18 %
Netherlands 21 %
Poland 23 %
Portugal 23 %
Romania 24 %
Slovakia 20 %
Slovenia 22 %
Spain 21 %
Sweden 25 %
United Kingdom 20 %

The standard VAT rate has a minimum, it may not be less than 15 %. However there is no maximal limit. This rule is in force until 31 December 2015 (Directive 2010/88/EU). For more information visit and contact us!

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