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Natalina Nikolova
4 January 2016
Russian fuel cards for the Bulgarian haulers
VerdeTax Ltd is the official representative of Aris Russia for Bulgaria and Turkey!
The Russian fuel cards for Bulgarian and Turkish Haulers!

On the highways from China to Portugal, you can now access all basic services with a single ARIS card! These services include refueling, payment of road tolls, protected parking and other services necessary for you on the road!

The ARIS card allows you to obtain services anywhere within the ARIS petrol stations and the partners’ network. The petrol stations provide motor transport clients with quality diesel fuel and allow them to settle their bills by using the ARIS credit card and firm coupons.

After 20 years in the motor cargo business, more than 20 countries in Europe and Asia now offer the services of the ARIS network.

ARIS has its own network of petrol stations. These stations together with the petrol stations of the strategic partners are combined in a discount network through which the people of ARIS are ready to offer individual discounts to the clients.

ARIS aspires to provide competitive prices for fuel and offers three forms of payment: advance payment, credit, and payment upon receipt. Individual discounts within the discount network depend on the chosen form of payment and volume of refueling. You can receive details about the individual discounts offered from ARIS by contacting us via phone at +359 2 492 8 436, e-mail or live chat.

ARIS has prepared a special program to provide maximum fuel savings for the client. This program includes all stations within the discount network.
This new program allows the customer to:
  • analyze in real time their own transactions on the customer page of the ARIS website
  • set daily limits for each fuel card or on all cards at once
  • set daily limits on refueling at any petrol station for obtaining the optimal price
  • set a limit on each card for any truck on the rout, allowing you to set limits on the driver’s spending and avoid overspending your funds
  • have the right balance of payments for fuel at any time

In order to increase the number of petrol stations in the network, ARIS has engaged strategic partners within Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

With more than 20 year of experience in the fields of safety, strategic planning and monitoring ARIS can assist successfully in avoiding thefts and frauds. With the ARIS cards, you can preview transactions on the website, PIN protected use of the cards, video monitoring card limits.

In addition, the ARIS card also allows you to pay tolls in Belarus, Poland and Russia.

Contact us now at +359 2 492 8 436 or e-mail to receive an individual offer for ARIS cards!

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