Individual clients Corporate clients
Benita Beneva
11 January 2017

Aко сте работили в Германия през последните 4 години и Ви е удържан данък общ доход, кандидатствайте с VerdeTax, за да възстановите Вашия данък!

  • Не сте сигурни каква сума може да се възстанови ?
  • Изпратете ни Lohnsteuerbescheinigung и ние ще Ви дадем тази информация.
  • Не се колебайте, а се свържете с VerdeTax за да получите необходимата информация. Очакваме Ви!

Benita Beneva
11 January 2017

Ако сте работили във Великобритания и искате да възстановите надплатените Ви данъци – не отлагайте, а се обърнете към VerdeTax!

  • Ще Ви направим калкулация за сумата, която може да Ви бъде възстановена напълно безплатно и без това да Ви ангажира.
  • Освен това – съдействаме за издаване на сертификат U1, който ще послужи за това трудовият Ви стаж от Обединеното кралство да бъде признат!
  • Ако имате въпроси – не се колебайте, а се обърнете към нашия екип от професионалисти. Очакваме Ви ! - VerdeTax

Benita Beneva
21 December 2016

Wishing you peace, joy, and all the best this wonderful holiday can offer. May this incredible time
of giving and spending time with your family bring you joy that lasts through the year.
Take in the serene moments spent with friends and loved ones, and may the wonder of
Christmas surround you through the holiday season. Sincerely yours - VerdeTax.
We thank all our clients.

Benita Beneva
29 November 2016
 Работили сте извън България в следните държави??

* Съединените американски щати      
* Чехия                    ​                                                                     
* Ирландия                                                                                                                                  
* Канада                                                                    
* Великобритания
* Германия
* Холандия
* Австрия


Със сигурност са Ви били удържани данъци и такси от заплатата Ви. 
VerdeTax Ви предлагаме услугата с най-доброто 
 качестводо 100% от  удържаната сума  и за най-кратък период от време .

За повече информация, моля свържете се с нас на или

Benita Beneva
16 November 2016
Ако сте работили в САЩ за по-малко от една година , със сигурност са Ви били удържани данъци и такси от заплатата Ви.
Добрата новина е, че можете да  възстановите тези суми до 100%. 

Искате ли да получите обратно парите си? VedeTax ще се погрижи за това !
Ние сме с 14 годишен опит във възстановяването на данъци и сме единствената компания, която ще върне вашите данъци в максимален размер и за най-кратък срок!
Не е необходимо да заплащате нищо предварително! При получаване на сумата VedeTax ще удържи от възстановената сума само 47$ за пакет Standard (спести пари) или 47$ + 7% за пакет PRO (спести време) ,а за всеки инскасиран чек по 19$.
Изчислете още сега сумата, която може да Ви бъде възстановена, на сайта Ни 


Benita Beneva
9 November 2016

                  Необходими документи за възстановяване на данъците Ви от САЩ 

 За да започнем процеса по възстановяване на Вашите данъци от САЩ са ни необходими следните документи:
  • Документ за самоличност - Visa or Passport 
  • Социално осигурителна карта - SSC
  • Платежни документи - W2 form or Payslip
  • Попълен Верде пакет, който ние ще ви предоставим - VerdePack

Ако имате въпроси и за допълнителна информация може да се  свържете с нас на :

Benita Beneva
7 November 2016
                                   -   Работили сте в САЩ?   -

Любопитни сте да разберете каква сума можете да си възстановите от удържаните Ви данъци?


VerdeTax ще Ви изготви калкулация, която не Ви ангажира и не Ви задължава с абсолютно нищо!
  • Всичко, от което се нуждаем, са Вашите последни платежни документи от всеки работодател! 
  • Приложете необходимите документи ( w2 form or payslip) на нашият сайт  и очаквайте отговор до 1 работен ден, за сумата която можем да Ви възстановим.
  • Следващата стъпка, дали желаете да продължите процедурата с нас, е Ваша. Възползвайте се !
Benita Beneva
2 November 2016
         Вземете надплатения си данък от САЩ!

  Ако сте работили в САЩ за по-малко от една година, най-вероятно сте надплатили данък. Ние сме тук, за да ви помогнем да си го върнете! Данъчната система в Съединените щати e на три нива - федерално, щатско и местно. Федералните и щатските данъци се плащат и възстановяват отделно.

Image result for usa

Ако сте имали доходи в САЩ, можете да видите на своя чек всички данъци, които са удържани от заплатата Ви. На федерално ниво това са федерален данък общ доход и FICA (социални и медицински осигуровки). В повечето щати се удържа щатски данък върху дохода.  По закон, ако имате доходи в САЩ, сте длъжни да подадете данъчна декларация след края на годината.

Направете вашата калкулация на страницата ни и разберете каква сума можем да Ви възстановим:
За повече информация може да се свържете с нас на : +359 2 437 2073 или на страницата ни във facebook : .

Benita Beneva
28 July 2016
An electric-powered plane that can take off from your garden?!

An electric-powered plane that can take off from your garden ?!

Benita Beneva
9 September 2016
                                                     Social Security in 2016

Benita Beneva
23 August 2016
Known as the trogloditas, Guadix locals have been living in these underground houses for hundreds of years.
Where people live underground ..

Benita Beneva
8 August 2016
What people believe about a country can influence everything – to whether or not people want to visit or live there.

What people believe about a country can influence everything  – to whether or not people want to visit or live there.

Benita Beneva
8 July 2016
The new dividend tax – how it works?
Dividend tax change – the winners and losers?

Benita Beneva
6 July 2016
EU referendum polling day - live updates

From jobs to travel and study:

how would Brexit affect young Britons?

For decades, young Britons have enjoyed the freedom of Europe, able to work, study and travel freely on the continent, and enjoy healthcare and other privileges while they do so.

Nia Chamurova
7 February 2016
W2 формата е документ, който всеки работодател е длъжен да изпрати на всички свои работници..

Настъпи сезонът на W2 формите!

W2 формата е документ, който всеки работодател е длъжен да изпрати на всички свои работници за предходната година. В него са вписани всички подадени към данъчните заработeни и удържани данъци.

Natalina Nikolova
4 January 2016
Russian fuel cards for the Bulgarian haulers
VerdeTax Ltd is the official representative of Aris Russia for Bulgaria and Turkey!
The Russian fuel cards for Bulgarian and Turkish Haulers!

Natalina Nikolova
6 October 2015
on 6 most popular islands and holiday destinations
The Greek Ministry of Finance latest press release approves the information that the reduced VAT rates on six of the most popular Greek islands and holiday destinations will no longer be applied.

Ivalina Koleva
20 July 2015
And the areas to which it is applied
In our previous article, VerdeTax had presented the standard VAT rates in all 28 Member States of the EU.

Now, we will focus on the reduced VAT rate and the areas to which it is applied.

As you already know each country in the EU determines by itself the applied VAT rates for goods and services. However when talking about the reduced VAT rates there is a minimum amount which must be taken into consideration. The minimal amount for the reduced VAT rates is 5%, and there could be some exceptions in which it would be even smaller.

Ivalina Koleva
10 July 2015
As of July 2015
VAT is charged throughout all countries in the European Union. However each country determines its own VAT rates. These rates are separated in three: Standard VAT rate – which is being applied to most or all supplies, Reduced VAT rate – smaller rate applied to a limited package of supplies and in some countries there is a zero or super-reduced VAT rates on some different type of sales.

Ivalina Koleva
1 July 2015
New measures to start with 2016 tax-filing season
The IRS and the tax preparation and filing companies agreed to work together, starting the next filing season, to combat tax fraud and identity theft.

The joint effort will include finding a way to validate taxpayer and tax return information at the time of filing. According to all parties, the new initiative will increase the sharing of information between the tax industry and the US government.

Vasil Simeonov
17 March 2015
Irish blessings and luck for you
On March 17th 2015 we are celebrating the life and work of the patron Saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. It is also known as Feast of Saint Patrick or "the Day of the Festival of Patrick".

Annually on this day we are remembering Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.

Irina Kaneva
20 February 2015
Our clients are already getting their taxes!
Our clients are already receiving their tax refunds!

VerdeTax once again proved to be the fastest tax refund company in the market.

We are proud to deliver to our clients the fastest and most secure tax refund service in Europe. Thank you for choosing VerdeTax!
Irina Kaneva
13 January 2015
Strange and unusual state taxes

Our tax specialists from VerdeTax made a list with some funny, unusual and strange state taxes from USA. Every state has its own laws and sometimes some of those laws can be quite unusual. But here is the list of those that can be very interesting in a strange and funny way:

  • Blueberries - Maine produces all but 1 percent of the wild ones sold nationally. The state taxes them in every possible way. Anyone growing, handling, processing, selling or purchasing blueberries pays a tax.

    Irina Kaneva
    13 January 2015
    That everybody should visit

    We made a compilation of the best rated cities in the world that everybody should visit at least once. These are all cities that have unique culture, rhythm and historical past. Pack up your luggage and start purchasing plane tickets.

    1. Istanbul, Turkey - Europe and Asia meet in Istanbul, where breathtaking ancient architecture coexists with modern restaurants and nightlife. The city's mosques, bazaars, and hammams (Turkish baths) could keep you happily occupied for your entire trip.

    Irina Kaneva
    12 January 2015
    Overview of the Internal Revenue Service

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the revenue service of the US federal government. The IRS is responsible for collecting taxes and the administration of the Internal Revenue Code. Here is the brief history of IRS.

    The roots of IRS go back to 1862, when President Lincoln created the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue and enacted a temporary income tax to pay war expenses - Civil War.

    Irina Kaneva
    9 January 2015
    Helpful dates and deadlines

    In 2015 you will be filing your 2014 taxes. That means that in 2015 you can apply for refund of the income taxes you paid in 2014.

    Here’s a calendar of helpful dates and deadlines for filing your income taxes in 2015:

  • 5th of January 2015
  • IRS usually has all tax forms available to file for individuals by January 5th, 2015. Many of the top tax preparation software companies will start allowing e-filing online at this date.

    Vasil Simeonov
    9 December 2014
    And the hidden messages in their logos
    1. Amazon

    2. This is pretty obvious and still totally unknown for a lot of people (even at VerdeTax). The yellow arrow that starts from “A” and points to “Z” purely says “hey, we are selling absolutely everything in our store”. Some people are suggesting that it also indicates a smile. This can only mean customer satisfaction and high quality of services. Nice.

    Vasil Simeonov
    28 November 2014
    List of the popular (and spared) turkeys
    Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the 2nd Monday in October for Canada and 4th Thursday in November for USA.

    But there is something else associated with it - the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation. It is a ceremony taking at the White House every year just before Thanksgiving and since 1989 (during the first Thanksgiving of President George H. W. Bush) the president pardons a turkey and spares the bird from slaughter. The whole thing is called “presidential pardon”.

    Anyway, the names of the pardoned turkeys (and their alternatives) are actually what we are after. And here they are:
    • 2009 – Courage and Carolina
    • 2010 – Apple and Cider
    • 2011 – Liberty and Peace
    • 2012 - Cobbler and Gobbler
    • 2013 – Popcorn and Caramel
    • 2014 – Cheese and Mac

    Nice job White House staff, can’t wait for 2015!
    Vasil Simeonov
    26 November 2014
    How to save money during the shopping season
    As you all know, Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the USA - the fourth Thursday of November. And while you are waiting for your tax refund from VerdeTax, why not check our top 5 tips on how to actually save even more money during the start of the shopping madness.

    Vasil Simeonov
    21 November 2014
    Or the power of youth travel

    VerdeTax attended the 23rd World Youth and Student Travel Conference (WYSTC 2014) held at the Convention Centre Dublin. The four day course gathered together more than 450 organizations representing the youth, student and travel industry from 120 countries around the globe and over 650 delegates.

    Vasil Simeonov
    3 October 2014
    Do you understand all the taxes you pay on your income?
    Have you ever looked at your pay stub wondering where half of your wage is going before even getting into your pocket?
    You are not alone. Many people are not familiar with the majority of the taxes they pay and the method of deduction or even the fact that they might have overpaid taxes. There is a big chance you are due a refund and don’t even know it.

    Tax refund is the amount of overpaid taxes that you may be entitled to receive back by the government if too much tax was withheld by your employer.

    Vasil Simeonov
    12 May 2014
    Are you planning to work in Canada? If the answer is yes, then this new study might turn out to be helpful for you.

    Are you planning to work in Canada? If the answer is yes, then this new study from (online jobs search engine) might be just the one you were looking for in terms of increasing your chances of getting hired.

    Vasil Simeonov
    29 April 2014
    We are more than happy to announce that... is happy to announce the official launch today, 29th of April 2014 of its revised website.

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